Friday, September 19, 2014

PS4 VR Headset Almost Ready For Release

Sony has said to have completed 85 % of the work to release the PlayStation 4 virtual reality headset, Project Morpheus. PlayStation executive Shuhei Yoshida spoke with The Wall Street Journal at the Tokyo Game Show this week in Japan. Yoshida did not say what the remaining 15 % of Morpheus development will require. Yoshida did say the hardware itself has areas we can improve upon to bring it to an even higher level. He also said previously that Sony will not release Morpheus until there is a sufficient software lineup in place. Yoshida mentioned that the target for Morpheus will be PS4 owners, Sony sees VR overall as a technology that could have broad applications, in markets outside of games. This broad appeal could in lead to a rise in PS4 sales. "We are hoping that once we introduce Project Morpheus to the market, the attractiveness of PS4 will increase and the PS4 could be received by many more people who are not necessarily core gamers" Yoshida said. Sony’s VR headset Project Morpheus (still a working title) doesn’t have a release date at this time.

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