Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Apple Ordered To Pay $23.6 Million After Using Pager Technology And Not Paying For It

A federal jury has found Apple guilty of infringing on six patents related to outdated pager technology from the 1990s. The U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas has ordered Apple to pay a $23.6 million settlement for violating six patents owned by plaintiff Mobile Telecommunications Technologies LLC in the case. Mobile Telecommunications Technologies claimed that several Apple products with wireless messaging were violating the pager technology, including the iPhone, iPad, iPod touch and Airport lineup of Wi-Fi products. Apple won a similar case over pager technology, involving a different company, last month in a California court. Apple denied infringing the patents because they did not cover any innovations when they were first issued. Apple lawyer Brian Ferguson reportedly told the jury that MTel was entitled to $1 million at the most. You can read a story about another possible lawsuit Apple could be facing because of  iMessage here.

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