Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Does Your iPhone 6 Bend ?

Some iPhone 6 owners have found that Apple’s latest phone comes with a new unexpected feature, the ability to bend. The iPhone 6 is slightly bending beyond repair while in pockets. Some users say that the bending occurred after normal sitting. Unfortunately, it does not appear that Apple will replace these more fragile than expected units at no cost. Some users are reporting that replacement costs are in the hundreds of dollars range.Some iPhone 6 owners have found that Apple’s latest phone comes with a new unexpected feature, the ability to bend. The iPhone 6 is slightly bending beyond repair while in users pockets. Some users say that the bending occurred after normal sitting. Unfortunately, it does not appear that Apple will replace these more fragile than expected units at no cost. Some users are reporting that replacement costs are in the hundreds of dollars range.

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