Sunday, June 14, 2015

Tourney’s And YouTube Uploads Coming To Smash Bros.

Tourney mode is coming to Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and 3DS as a free update in August. Tourneys come in two modes: Community Tourneys, and Tourneys. Community Tourneys let players compete for the highest points in a certain amount of time, while regular Tourneys have a specific set of rules and only happen at select times Tourneys will be available in August. Also announced today was the ability for players to upload their Super Smash Bros. for Wii U replays to YouTube. The feature will be a free add on and will require a Google account, the feature will be coming soon. To learn all about what else Nintendo announced today check out That includes Ryu and Roy coming to Smash Bros. along with new stages, costumes of Mii Fighters and Amiibos. 

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