Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Pokemon GO May Have Sponsored PokeStops In The Future

Pokemon GO may soon have sponsored PokeStops. Multiple Reddit users have spotted the McDonald's name within the games code. In the image below, "MCDONALDS" can be seen following "Sponsor" and preceding "POKEMON_STORE." Sponsored PokeStops were hinted at by Niantic CEO John Hanke. When speaking with the Financial Times, Hanke said "sponsored locations" are the "second component to our business model at Niantic," with the first being in-app purchases. As explained by Hanke, these sponsorships would have companies paying Niantic "to be locations within the virtual game board, the premise being that it is an inducement that drives foot traffic." Regarding specific sponsorships, Hanke said, “There will be things that we say about that in the future." What do you think of sponsored PokeStops? Would you buy a Big Mac for a Pokemon ? 

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