Saturday, July 16, 2016

Here Are Some Highlights From The EVO 2016 Killer Instinct Panel

Today the Killer Instinct Panel took place at EVO 2016 and we got to learn more about Shadow Lords and so much more. Below is a list of some of the highlights from panel. You can see the full list here.
  • EVO 2016 $15,000
  • Killer Instinct World Cup Events – $45,000 – Partnership with Ultra Arcade
  • Killer Instinct Ultra Tour Online Matches – $40,000 – Powered by FaceIt and Arena on Xbox Live
  • Killer Instinct Cup 2017 (not final)
  • Shadow Lords
  • Hub world has War Room, Barracks, Guardians, Emporiums, Archives
  • As Adam Isgreen puts it, Gargos is here to take over the world and your here to stop him
  • Your goal is to complete missions and take away buffs from Gargos before he takes over the world
  • Every time you play this game you will get daily rewards
  • These rewards give you items to make your character more powerful
  • Multiplayer daily rewards coming soon (perhaps online aspects to Shadow Lords)
  • You can apply buffs to your own character; You can make yourself super cheap to match how cheap Gargos is
  • You can buy buffs with in game currency or KI Gold
  • You can just earn all of it too by playing through the game, you don’t need to pay for them
  • Shadow Lords will be released Septemeber 20th
  • Multiplayer mode will come after that date
  • Killer Cuts 2.0
  • Killer Instinct Elite Controller component kit accessories announced
  • There is still a new character who has not been revealed this season
  • Tomorrow during the Killer Instinct Top 8, the next character will be revealed

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