Thursday, August 6, 2015

Killer Instinct Season 3 Will Have New Composers, Celldweller and Atlus Plug

In a message on his Facebook page, Killer Instinct composer Mick Gordon surprised KI fans that he will not be composing music for Killer Instinct: Season 3.

“To my dearest Killer Instinct friends,
I give the greatest thanks to you all for your incredible support and trust with this kick ass fighting game. I’ve been a devoted fan of Killer Instinct for 22 years and it has been a dream, an honor and great privilege to be involved in the re-imagining of the Ultratech universe. The opportunity to dabble in the world laid down by Robin Beanland, Graeme Norgate and the rest of the exceptional team at Rare has been an absolute dream…

Friends, I’m sad to say that the time has come for me to move on to something new.
I’d like to shout out a massive heart-felt thanks to Double Helix Games, Microsoft and Iron Galaxy for allowing me to share in this truly amazing experience. These passionately dedicated teams have been an endless source of inspiration and they all share a deep, infectious love of the Killer Instinct universe. Speaking as a fan, we’ve all been incredibly lucky to have these groovy people behind the development of KI.

And to you, the fans that have made all this hard work and late-nights worthwhile, I thank you from the bottom of my linker-parry-windkick-quartercircle-monster-combo-heart. I’ve absolutely adored every tweet, forum post, email, FB message, letter, handshake, hug and fistbump. Your endless support and encouragement is the driving force behind the Killer Instinct sound. We do this for you. There would be no KI without you. Thank you. Keep blocking, spot those lights/mediums/heavies, trick a lock-out and go in for Ultra!!!

I’d also like to give a shout out to my fabulous team of collaborators, musicians, singers, lyricists, translators and engineers. Thanks to you all for lending your fabulous skills and knowledge to the Killer Instinct soundtrack!

I wish Iron Galaxy and Microsoft the very best with the future of KI and I’m incredibly excited to see (and play!) what’s in store for Season 3!!!
Party on, dudes!

ULLLLTRRAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!” - Mick Gordon 

The new composers are Celldweller and Atlus Plug. This isn’t there first rodeo with video games either as they have done the music for such games as Project Gotham Racing, Dead Rising 2, and Crackdown. You can get a taste of what they can do by listening to the Battletoads Rash trailer. You can listen to the track below. Its sad to see Mick go, I loved what he did for Killer Instinct but as a Celldweller I can’t wait to see what him and Atlus Plug bring to the table. What do you think ?

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