Tuesday, July 28, 2015

You Can Upgrade To The Next iPhone For Free With T-Mobile

T-Mobile has announced it's adding Apple Music to its Music Freedom free music streaming service. The carrier will also allow new iPhone 6 buyers to upgrade to the next iPhone for free. The iPhone upgrade only applies to those that buy an iPhone 6 this year as part of T-Mobile's JUMP! On Demand’ payment plan. If Apple reviles a new phone this year, customers will be able to swap the iPhone 6 for the newer one, for no extra cost. Also those that buy an iPhone 6 through JUMP! On Demand will be given exclusive priority on their orders, provided they do so within the first 48 hours of the Apple device's release. Looks like T-Mobile is really doing a lot to shake things up with mobile carriers. What nest’s for T-Mobile ? What do you think about what they’re doing as a mobile carrier ?

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