Friday, June 26, 2015

Shenmue III Gets A $11 Million Dollar Stretch Goal

The Shenmue III Kickstarter now has stretch goals all the way to $11 million. The Kickstarter’s original goal was set at $2 million. Upon smashing that target in 9 hours, new stretch goals up to the value of $5 million were introduced. Now there’s even more goals up  to $11 million.
Here’s a breakdown of each of the new goals.

  • $5.1 million: Portuguese language option.
  • $6 million: Battle system expanded, advanced free battle.
  • $6.5 million: Battle system expanded; ragdoll reaction.
  • $7 million: Battle system expanded AI battling.
  • $7.5 million: Battle system expanded, high ground battle system.
  • $8 million: Choubu area expanded, mini games x4.
  • $8.25 million: Choubu area expanded, betting games x4.
  • $8.5 million: Choubu area expanded, kung-fu mastery.
  • $9 million: Choubu area expanded, part-time job.
  • $10 million: Bailu village expanded, mini games x4.
  • $10.25 million: Bailu village expanded, betting games x4.
  • $10.5 million: Bailu village expanded, kung-fu mastery.
  • $11 million: Bailu village expanded, magic maze.

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